Deer Skins into Buckskins - 2nd Edition Book
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Includes methods on Tanning with Brains, Soap or Eggs
Book: 240 pages, 150 photos and illustrations
2nd edition features a new 15 minute step that creates:
- Easier to soften Hides.
- Hides that come out super soft.
- Hides that take the dressing even when dry, which in turn:
- Removes the variability of trying to get the perfect moisture content before dressing.
- Makes it much easier to get complete brain penetration on thick hides, which makes tanning thicker hides such as moose, elk or even thick deer, way less work.
- Makes it so you can skip one of the wringing steps (which takes 15 minutes itself).
This step is such a great improvement that it has really motivated me to put out this new edition.
- Other key new highlights include:
- Different skinning cuts for a better hide shape.
- How to tan Moose, Elk & Antelope.
- Bibliography (thorough and user-friendly).
- Important improvements to the Bucking process.
- Important improvements to the Dressing step-by-step, to ensure success for first timers.
- A step-by-step guide to varying this books' Basic Method if you want to tan without the bucking step.
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